University of Banja Luka

2 March 2018. The first Urban Café (based on the World Café methodology) dedicated to exploring options, scenarios and strategies for Banja Luka's future development took place at the Banja Luka raft-restaurant Banjalučki splav. The event was organised by Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (that is by Faculty's Chair for Urban Planning and by Centre for Sustainability and Integrative Design) in collaboration with Banja Luka City Authority and NGO Centre for Spatial Research.

25 May 2018. Presentation of KLABS main goals and results at the Cultural Centre of Banja Luka as a part of STEPGRAD Academic Conference organised by the UBL. Open for the public. Presentation of the school work scope with accent on sustainability and resilience aspects and the links to new study programme developed at the UBL.

University in Kosovska Mitrovica

22-26 March 2018. Gračanica Workshop at the Cultural Centre of Gračanica and the Municipality of Gračanica. Open for the public. Demonstration of the school work scope with the accent on the sustainability and resilience aspects and the links to new study programme developed at the UM.

11 June 2018. Gračanica Cultural Centre. Delivery of the extract from the course Sustainability, Resilience and the Built Environment taken from the new study programme and adjusted to specific case study (Gračanica settlement), together with the presentation of the results of the application of knowledge acquired.


Higher Technical Professional School in Zvečan

4 June 2018. Demonstration exercise with the participation of professional fire-fighting unit, students of bachelor and specialist vocational studies, lecturers from HTPSZ and members of local government from Zvečan and Mitrovica. Presentation of KLABS-HTPSZ fire-fighting equipment and techniques used for protection against fire and other types of accidents.

University of Belgrade

6 September 2018. Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, Belgrade. Open public course “Green building – principles, definitions, trends” with 5 course modules delivered by lecturers engaged in specialist academic study program “Energy efficient and green architecture” at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade. Participants were issued bilingual (EN/SR) certificates.

29 September 2018. UB-Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade. Public lecture “Energy efficient building refurbishment” - extract from the specialist studies course delivered in the form of lecture adjusted to wide range of professionals and graduate students. Participants were issued bilingual (EN/SR) certificates.

State University of Novi Pazar

September – October 2018. Series of lectures “Energy Efficiency of Settlements”, intended for public sector, organised at the State University in Novi Pazar. Lectures are the extracts from developed curriculum, and they encompass the following topics: Sustainable architecture – from vernacular to contemporary; Sustainable development in architecture and urban design; Energy performance of buildings; Achievement of energy efficiency through the interventions on building envelope; Waste management.

"Džemal Bijedić" University of Mostar

2 October 2018. Final students’ design works, prepared within the course Studio Project, were presented in digital format to other students and representatives of private and public sector. Presentations were used for discussion on suggested actions regarding subject of the projects. Event was organized at the Faculty of Civil Engineering.