Development of KLABS visual identity was initiated in early stage of project implementation,
precisely during the Kick-off meeting organized at the coordinating University in Kosovska
Mitrovica from 12-13.01.2016. At this occasion, the rules for utilization of the EU emblem and
corresponding text were explained, and
six different proposals for KLABS logo discussed.
Proposal with the highest number of partners’ votes was selected as official KLABS logo.
KLABS logo is present in project documents, project website and other results, as well as in material for dissemination and presentation of achieved results. Established Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Built Environment in the Balkans will use the same logo, thereby continuing the visual recognizability of KLABS scope of work, in particular in Western Balkan region.
The main channel for communication of all KLABS activities and results is project website. Research-related activities and results are announced in global professional networks like ResearchGate, Academia and LinkedIn, while project-related events are also posted on Facebook. Another important source of information regarding KLABS work and outcomes are institutional websites of participating universities from the European Union and Western Balkan.