The continuous evolution of the notion of a sustainable and resilient built environment demands repeated examination. For this reason, the state-of-the-art thematic series Reviews of Sustainability and Resilience of the Built Environment for Education, Research and Design contributes to the comprehensive understanding of the two approaches and their interrelations in the built environment by retrospectively investigating their development, addressing current issues, and speculating on possible futures. The series represents one of the results of the Erasmus+ project, Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments – KLABS, dedicated to establishing a comprehensive educational platform within the second cycle of higher education across the Western Balkan Region.

The sustainable and resilient built environment is a multi-layered and multi-disciplinary construct. To successfully tackle the intricacy of the points in question, the series of books comprises five thematic volumes that initially approach sustainability and resilience from the socio-spatial perspective, subsequently address sustainable and resilient urban planning and urban design, and then focus on individual buildings and a range of approaches, methods, and tools for sustainable and resilient design, placing particular emphasis on energy issues. By addressing different levels of the built environment and different aspects of sustainability and resilience in a systemic way, 83 academics from 12 different countries gave 54 contributions in the form of narrative or best evidence articles with the main objectives of informing the development of specialised knowledge, building critical awareness of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge issues, and connecting university education with the domain of scientific research. The broad aim is to develop the collection of reviews of sustainability and resilience of the built environment that are useful for students, educators, professionals, and researchers, all of whom are dealing with these two important subjects internationally.

Through collaboration between editors and reviewers, a selection of articles published in English language has been made and a separate publication in SBC languages has been prepared.

Therefore, KLABS books include the following six titles:

- Sustainability and Resilience _ Socio-Spatial Perspective
- Realms of Urban Design _ Mapping Sustainability
- Integrated Urban Planning _ Directions, Resources and Territories
- Energy _ Resources and Building Performance
- Sustainable and Resilient Building Design _ Approaches, Methods and Tools
- Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine

Link to the open access books: