The coordinator of project KLABS organised the Final Project Conference at the University in Kosovska Mitrovica, from 24-26 September 2018.
The first working day was held at the Rectorate building of the University in Kosovska Mitrovica. It was organised as a workshop where KLABS results of all project partners
were discussed in relation to project application and recommendations from the EACEA, and individual utilisation of the grant was compared to KLABS achievement and original
On the second day, the field trip was organised. It was an opportunity to meet with regional natural and cultural heritage, and to explore future case studies that can be
incorporated into developed programmes and dealt with within the developed knowledge labs.
Morning session of the third Conference day was organised at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Kosovska Mitrovica. Here, the work concerned the development of the
“Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Built Environment in the Balkans”. It included formulation of the scope of Network activities and programmes, and
preparation of the Cooperation Agreement that will be signed between all six KLABS partners from Western Balkan.
In the afternoon of third Conference day, round table “Sustainability and Resilience of the Built Environment: Education, Practice and Research” was organised. Marking the
closure of the project KLABS in a ceremonial way, this event was an opportunity to discuss lessons learned through project implementation, its impact and the means of
strengthening the links between project results and wider society. Participants at the round table also talked about the options of future collaboration.
Next to other events organised within the Final KLABS Conference, coordinator and project partners welcomed and worked together with the team of external evaluators of
specialist study programme Sustainability and Resilience of the Built Environment, developed and implemented at the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University in
Kosovska Mitrovica from the school year 2017/2018.
Following the engagement of tutors and students of bachelor, master and specialists academic studies
Sustainability and Resilience of the Built Environment at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Kosovska
Mitrovica, and in collaboration with the tutors and students from the Faculty of Architecture of the
University of Ljubljana, the exhibition of students’ design projects, entitled URBANISATION OF GRAČANICA,
has been opened on 11 June 2018 at the gallery of the Cultural Centre in Gračanica.
Previously, the semester-long work on the task has been initiated with the Conference and the 4-day
workshop organised in March 2018, with the support of the Municipality of Gračanica, the Tourist
Organisation of Gračanica and the Embassy of Norway in Priština.
Presented architectural and urban design solutions signed by the students from Kosovska Mitrovica and
Ljubljana have been focused on:
understanding the issues and theoretical starting points in the development and reorganisation of urban space with respect to the central topic of the workshop: “development of sustainable and balanced communities in which all parts of society, regardless of their wealth, occupation or origin, feel involved”.
studying the development potentials of single locations in relation to wider environment, from the points of: architecture, urbanism, tourism and sustainability;
looking for possible motives of urban planning, where the main design principle was “filling the voids” with the possibility of a contemporary use of public spaces;
organisation of the new part of town by introducing “liveability” of open spaces, the idea of living in a community as micro-society with the models such as co-housing, urban farming which connects positive aspects of rural areas with urban style of living, organisation of new development with principles of participatory urbanism, etc.;
and protecting the most important view to Gračanica – to develop the town in the center of touristic services that rely not only on the built heritage, but also on the landscape that surrounds the place, on the fresh, local products that translate into distinctive gastronomic tradition, and of course on its people, who are traditionally aware of the concept of genuine, warm hospitality.
Project KLABS has organised its fifth Management Meeting, and the Teachers’ Training, at the Higher Technical School in Zvečan, on 23-24 April 2018.
Following the welcome and the introduction to the event on the beginning of the first day, two
thematic teachers’ trainings were organised. The first was dedicated to the methodologies, software
and tools for environmental assessment of construction materials, components and buildings. Special
accent has been put on different software application and usability with special recommendation on
those found most suitable for KLABS study programmes. Presentation was followed by questions from the
side of event participants (students and teachers) and a fruitful discussion with conclusions. After
the short break with organized walk and sightseeing, meeting has been continued with the training
session on energy modelling software, held at the Lab for Sustainable and Resilient Built Environment
at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Kosovska Mitrovica. Here, the participants were given a
possibility to acquire knowledge and skills about how to manage real case studies regarding
examination of the energy performance of buildings of various types. Numerous students and teaching
staff have been present during the both trainings, showing a great interest for this exceptional
opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with the teachers from higher education institutions
in EU.
Second working day started with project promotion in media. Host institution invited journalists from
the local TV station TV Most to make a video reportage about the KLABS project. Coordinator and the
partners from both WB and EU institutions took a chance to share their experience and present
achieved results and further expectations.
Program has then been continued with the analysis of project’s achievements. WB participants
presented to-date results in the following aspects: Relevance; Regional cooperation; Activities;
Reforms; Links with society; Impact; Dissemination; Sustainability/Exploitation; Unexpected outcomes/
spin-off effects; and Innovation. Each presentation was followed by consultations regarding the
activities until the end of project and necessary actions to be undertaken.
Second-day agenda continued with KLABS project management team meeting session that included
assessment of the project implementation and project results; risks assessment; and preparatory
activities for the closure of the project KLABS. Special accent in this session was potential risk
identification and modalities of overcoming the same, all with the main goal to achieve all expected
project results. The final session of the meeting was the workshop on financial documentation. All
partners received feedback comments from the coordinator, regarding previously submitted (updated)
financial documentation state-of-the-art and the necessary corrections.
In-between the work sessions on the second day of the event, the hosts organised a group visit to
Banjska Monastery, historical heritage of Zvečan municipality - a cultural monument of exceptional
In the implementation framework of study programmes developed within the project KLABS, different case studies aiming to bring students’ work closer to the real-life conditions, and to research, have been incorporated into educational process.
In collaboration with the Municipality of Gračanica, the Tourist Organisation of Gračanica, and the
Embassy of Norway in Priština, KLABS participants from the University in Kosovska Mitrovica – Faculty
of Technical Sciences and the University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Architecture were given an
opportunity to together organise and participate in a series of events from March to September 2018,
including conferences, workshops, seminars and exhibitions, with the aim to configure the plan of
future development of Gračanica. Particular challenge to be addressed is sustainability of this
spatially blended, urban-rural environment that has been subjected to massive transformation during
the past two decades.
On the 22nd of March, the Conference that aimed to define the desired outcomes of sustainable
urbanisation of Gračanica has been organised, and the topics such as spatial, social and economic
conditions, architectural and urban design directions, and the methodological formats optimal for
the achievement of set goals, were set forth during the productive dialogue.
Following the Conference, the representatives from the Municipality of Gračanica – Urbanism
Department, the Tourist Organisation of Gračanica, as well as the educators and students from the
universities in Ljubljana and Kosovska Mitrovica got involved into a 4-day workshop held in the
Cultural Centre of Gračanica. The work has been organised in four groups: urban planning and design;
architecture; sustainable development; and tourism. Based on the comprehensive survey previously
undertaken among the residents of Gračanica, about 35 workshop participants started their
collaborative work with the good insight regarding the community needs, problems and expectations.
Every working day of the workshop was wrapped up with the presentation of the progress made. At the
end of the workshop, the student summarized and presented their overall work, and the results were
The work on sustainable urbanization of Gračanica continues through the individual and collaborative
work of the two groups of students and their tutors. Plans for the next project phases are
The first Urban Café (based on the World Café methodology) dedicated to exploring options, scenarios and strategies for Banja Luka's future development took place on Friday, March 2nd, at the Banja Luka raft-restaurant Banjalučki splav.
The event was organised by the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (that is by the
Faculty's Chair for Urban Planning and the Centre for Sustainability and Integrative Design) in
collaboration with Banja Luka City Authority and NGO Centre for Spatial Research.
Having regarded that the new Urban Plan of Banja Luka (together with the Strategy for Integrated
Development) is currently intensely considered and prepared – more than 40 years after publishing the
previous plan - the need has arisen for professional and broader public to be considerably included
in the process of vision creation.
Urban Café, drawing together professionals, academics and students from fields of urban and spatial
planning, architecture, economy, sociology, ecology, media, as well as the creative people of different
professional background, provided a unique opportunity for exchange of ideas on an array of subjects:
General urbanisation trends and strategies for Banja Luka; Housing and urban spaces related to it; Urban
spaces dedicated to work and industry; Public spaces; Projects of strategic significance; Public and
stakeholder participation; Sustainability and resilience; Identity.
Individual subjects were discussed in several rounds, with participants choosing different subjects at
every round. At the end, moderators presented key points and conclusions to the joint audience. Café
ended with a panel discussion between several prominent professionals and representatives of the
institutions FACEG UBL, Banja Luka City Authority, Department for spatial management in Banja Luka City
Administration, UNDP, and the Enterprise Development Agency Eda (NGO).
The event was an opportunity for the first public appearance and presentation of the Centre for
Sustainability and Integrative Design, established at the UBL and FACEG as part of KLABS project.
Project KLABS has organised the Meeting of the Management Team and of Committee for Quality Assurance at the University of Banja Luka, from 14-15 March 2017.
The event was opened by welcoming words and short introduction about the hosting institution
by Dean of Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Vice-Rector of UBL and
Institutional Coordinator of KLABS project.
The first part of the first meeting day included the presentation by Project Coordinator
about the project results and the activities in the third year of project implementation. The
informative presentation was followed by presentations of each partner about the funds
utilization on institutional level for the period 15.10.2015-1.12.2017. Each presentation
included the consultations with Project Coordinator about the future actions concerning the
fund utilisation until the end of project.
The second part of the first meeting day was dedicated to Teachers’ training workshop. The
University of Ljubljana and University of Strathclyde partners presented their experience
about the architectural studio course methodology, organisation, and students’ work
evaluation. The presentations were followed with fruitful discussions and comparisons between
the course organisations at EU and WB universities.
The second working day of the meeting started with session chaired by Project Coordinator
dedicated to quality assurance plan. Partners discussed and drafted the plan concerning the
external evaluation of study programmes (two per new study programme), external evaluation of
KLABS books (two per book), external project audit and students’ evaluation of new study
After the quality assurance plan was drafted, the tree round tables were organised:
opportunities for organisation of KLABS promotional courses, organisation of teachers’
training until the end of project and finally the round table discussion with the overview of
partners' contribution to project impact, dissemination and exploitation of project results.
The partners concluded that joint teachers’ training should be organised, for all WB partners,
at the occasion of coming KLABS meetings in Zvečan and Kosovska Mitrovica.
The final session of the meeting was the workshop on financial documentation. Prior to UBL
meeting all project partners prepared: updated financial forms (in Excel) with all
accompanying documentation; table comparison between already used and assigned amounts of the
budget per category; table comparison between actually incurred and unit costs for the
categories of staff costs, travel costs and costs of stay. All partners received feedback
comments from Coordinating Institution about their financial documentation state of the art
and the necessary corrections.
In-between the work sessions on the second day, the hosts from the University Banja Luka
organised joint visit to construction site of the future building of the Faculty of
Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy at the University Campus.
Collaborative work among participants during two days functioned very well. The event was
concluded successfully, new terms and tasks were agreed and shared among project members.
The University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Architecture hosted the last, fifth event in line of KLABS study visits and workshops.
On the beginning of the first day of event, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and the General
Secretary welcomed the participants, gave a short introduction to the hosting institution and
spoke about the importance of international cooperation and implementation of new study
possibilities for students. Institutional project manager gave a short introduction to the event
and project coordinator opened the working sessions. At the Workshop 1, the implementation of
developed study programmes at 6 EB HEIs has been presented. The accent has been placed on achieved
results, in particular regarding: programme scheme, enrolment procedure and implementation
schedule, establishment of institutional units for sustainability and resilience with the
explanation of their purpose, functioning and place in institutional organogram, innovative
educational/learning methods applied, institutional virtual learning platforms arrangements, Open
educational resources handling, virtual mobility of students (selection procedures, technical
arrangements of learning platform and the access to it), and proposal for networking arrangements
with other WB partners in terms of linking the centres for sustainability and resilience and
organizing virtual mobility. Every presentation was followed by questions from the side of event
participants and a fruitful discussion with conclusions. Additional guidelines/instructions for
formalising procedures have been given to the presenters by coordinator.
At the Workshop 2 in the afternoon of the same working day, the modalities for creating the
network of knowledge labs were explored. After a joint discussion of all project participants and
proposed collaboration modalities, it was agreed that the WB partners will continue to bilaterally
arrange virtual mobility details, and that the Coordinator will establish the coordination unit of
the Regional Network for Sustainability and Resilience of the Built Environment. The operational
scope of the Network, according to the propositions given at the workshop, will expand from
education to research and collaboration with external stakeholders, in particular with industry
and local authorities. Arrangements will be detailed at the following project meeting.
On the second working day, the representative of the publisher of KLABS book series Reviews of
Sustainability and Resilience of the Built Environment for Education, Research and Design gave a
comprehensive presentation about the publishing institutional units of the TU Delft, that are the
TU Delft Open + BK BOOKS. Publishing process and procedures have been explained in detail,
together with the open access requirements and definitions, and the access and dissemination of
published material. Printed version options have been discussed. The copyright rules for both
textual and graphical material were explained in detail and suggestions were given to the KLABS
editors. The Editors of KLABS books were so in detail acquainted with the steps necessary for the
finalization of activities regarding book series production.
Following the publisher’s presentation, Workshop 3 about KLABS books finalization was held. The
workshop was organized in three parts. During the first workshop session, a collaborative work
between editors and authors has been carried out. In the second part, updated structure and
contents of all books have been presented to project participants. In the third part, following
the consultations between the publisher and KLABS editors-in-chief, a feedback has been given to
the participants and conclusions regarding necessary steps for books finalization were made. Every
book has been addressed separately; accordingly, time frames and the procedure and preconditions
for the delivery of developed material to the publisher (chapter-by-chapter) have been agreed and
responsible editors identified. Copy-editing procedure has been agreed and external review process
elaborated, just like the final steps in KLABS book series production, together with the placement
of published material at OER platforms.
In the morning of the third working day, event participants visited the premises of the Urban
Planning Institute of Slovenia, met with the Director, researchers and their work and achievements,
and learned about sustainable spatial plans, collaboration with the university, and three on-going
international projects of this institution: Brownfields; Encouraging Residents to Cycle to Work –
Campaigns and Bicycle Friendly Employer Certification; and Participatory Approaches to Urban
Public Space – Human Cities. Later on, at the Faculty of Architecture, the participants were
acquainted with the functioning of some services of the Faculty and the tour to educational
premises has been organized.
At the Workshop 4, courses at the University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Architecture that are
corresponding to developed courses at WB consortium institutions were presented. The workshop
encompassed short presentations of each working group and discussions about the presented topics
and raised questions with the lecturers from the study programme in urbanism at the UL FA, as
follows: Team 1a – Urban design studio and workshops; Team 1b – Urban design and planning; Team 2a
– Sustainability, resilience and wellbeing; Team 2b – Theory in urbanism and architecture; Team 3a
– Technical issues (GIS, IT programmes), and Team 3b – Social culture, law, economy.
Collaborative work among event participants during all three days functioned well and the
presentations were fluent. Open questions were worked out in a fruitful manner and all partners
made their contribution as the consortium is after several meetings accustomed to work together.
The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow has organised the fourth KLABS study visit with workshop.
Following the introduction and welcome given by the KLABS co-ordinator for the University
of Strathclyde and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering on the first working day, event
participants got an opportunity to learn about international collaboration and education
at the University of Strathclyde. Thereafter, the networking session between KLABS
partners and academics of the University of Strathclyde has been organised, where new
collaboration possibilities were identified and new links established. After the break,
the workshop on innovative learning methodologies to be applied at developed KLABS
programmes was held. The workshop was based on elaboration of specific examples of WB
courses, current learning methodologies and the possibilities for their upgrade. In
continuation, the hosts took all event participants for a tour thought the premises of the
Department of Architecture. Following this, the group proceeded with a visit to the City
Observatory of the University’s Institute for Future Cities, based at the newly-opened
Technology and Innovation Centre. Here, the insights and projects developed at the
Institute have been presented and collaboration options highlighted. The first working day
was concluded with the visit to the Glasgow City Chambers and a warm reception by the
local authority.
The second working day was dedicated to the workshop on KLABS learning material. Here,
Editors and Authors worked in groups, exchanged information on achieved progress and
discussed about the format and content of individual contributions and of KLABS books in
overall. Following the lunch break, the hosts took participants for a guided city bus tour
which included visits to the Athletes’ Village built for the 2014 Commonwealth Games,
medieval origins of the city, Victorian sights and architecture gems by Charles Rennie
Mackintosh and other notable architects such as Zaha Hadid’s Riverside Museum. This tour
allowed the delegation to get a deep understanding of the unique context of resilience and
sustainability in Glasgow, and what lessons may be shared with other similar
post-industrial cities. The tour concluded in Glasgow’s West End, where the delegation had
an opportunity to sample some of the culture among the interesting housing typologies and
neighborhoods planned in the 19th century. This visit helped to network participants among
themselves, and to build new links with the city and its inhabitants.
On the third and final day, the work on learning material has been continued. The working
part of event programme has been closed with presentations on updated structure and
content of all KLABS books and the conclusions about the following steps necessary for
brining this project activity to its finalization.
Project KLABS has organised Meeting of the Management Team and of Editorial Committee at the State University in Novi Pazar, from 22-24 March 2017.
During the first day of the meeting, the summary of all KLABS results produced during the
first half of project lifecycle was provided, grant utilisation was analysed and
discussed, and the progress in KLABS educational material development between two project
gatherings at the RWTH University in Aachen and the State University in Novi Pazar was
On the second working day, two parallel workshops, addressing development of KLABS
learning material, i.e. the preparation of the Technical Implementation Report, were
organised. At the workshop dedicated to KLABS educational material, the members of the
project Editorial Committee carried out the 1st phase internal review of arrived
contributions for KLABS book series from all project partners, reorganised structure and
the content of learning material sections and prepared feedbacks to the authors. At the
workshop about the preparation of the Technical Implementation Report, members of the
institutional project teams and project coordinator jointly worked on filling in the
segments of the Report and discussed various project implementation issues.
At the first session of the third working day, all meeting participants were acquainted
with achieved progress in learning material development; the upcoming working steps were
agreed and tasks shared. During the working session of the Editorial Committee, different
options and offers for learning material publishing were elaborated and the optimal
solution complying with the Erasmus+ rules was adopted. Later on, the plan for the
promotion of new study programmes and the students’ enrolment plan were discussed; here,
the accent was placed on upcoming activities of the WB consortium partners. During the
last session of the meeting at the State University in Novi Pazar, KLABS goals in the
second half of project life were given, new activities were discussed and new
responsibilities shared among the partners.
In-between the work on the second and third meeting days, the hosts from the State
University in Novi Pazar organised joint visits to nearby UNESCO world heritage sites and
to several national cultural-historical sites located in the centre of Novi Pazar.
During the three-day KLABS event at the RWTH Aachen University, from 14-16 December 2016, study visit and a series of workshops have been organised.
On the first day, the participants at the KLABS event – representatives of all institutions
included in project consortium, got an opportunity to learn about the RWTH Aachen University
and its Faculty of Architecture. The informative presentations were followed by the joint
workshop on setting the base for the development of learning material corresponding to newly
develop postgraduate courses and programmes. At this occasion, project institutional
representatives made an agreement about the concept, approach, purpose and the methodology
for learning material production. The first working day was concluded with the architectural
walking tour through Aachen.
Second working day way entirely dedicated to the workshops on the development of learning
material. The work in groups has been organised. At the end of this working day, all groups
presented the results of their work; every presentation was followed by fruitful discussion.
It was jointly consented that new learning material, in accordance with the topics of the
developed courses and programmes, as well as with the Western Balkan context, will include
the following main subject: Sustainability, resilience and the built environment; Sustainable
urban design; Integrated urban planning; Energy, buildings and cities; Design for
sustainability and resilience; and Methods and tools for integrated design. During the break
between work sessions, the hosts organised visit to the premises of the RWTH Faculty of
During the third day, the preparation of descriptive and financial mid-term project report to
the EACEA has been discussed. In addition, all Western Balkan project representatives briefed
on the progress reached in the development of their study programmes and in accreditation
(licensing) procedures. The event was concluded successfully, new terms and tasks were agreed
and shared among project members, and the next project meeting at the State University of
Novi Pazar has been appointed for March 2017.
“Džemal Bijedić” University of Mostar hosted KLABS consortium meeting on 12, 13 and 14 October 2016. The meeting was consisted of working sessions of KLABS Project Management Team, Editorial Committee and Committee for Quality Assurance, as well as of Monitoring visit to the project organized by Erasmus+ Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
On the first day of the meeting, the review of KLABS Dissemination Strategy, Dissemination Diary
and Dissemination Record, with the analysis of all dissemination activities implemented to-date,
has been carried out. The responsibilities in dissemination were elaborated, as well as
accompanying visibility and publicity obligations. All key elements of dissemination were
analyzed; the relevance of existing Strategy document was confirmed, as well as the main
criteria for the evaluation of dissemination success and dissemination impact. Starting from the
fact that every KLABS activity has a potential to be disseminated, the participants at the
meeting discussed and agreed about additional possibilities to disseminate the project and its
results, in accordance with the criteria presented in the main document.
Later on, KLABS Sustainability &Exploitation Strategy has been reviewed. The sustainability of
results in the framework of KLABS project, with special reference to study programmes, centers
for sustainable and resilient environments, learning material and the collaborations, has been
elaborated. Measures taken by all project partners, in order to secure sustainability of project
results, were examined. Links between Dissemination Strategy, Sustainability & Exploitation
Strategy and KLABS Quality Control and Monitoring Manual were elaborated.
During the session Quality assessment of project results and quality plan update , participants
at the meeting considered the relevance and utilization of the Quality Control & Monitoring
Manual and of its annexes, reviewed the document Quality Plan and discussed about the indicators
for the assessment of project results. At this occasion, new tasks among the members of the
Committee for Quality Assurance, in the scope of forthcoming control and evaluation of project
deliverables, have been assigned. In the afternoon working session of the first day, the
presentation of the results of internal review of developed study programmes, carried out by
Programme Countries project partners, has been initiated.
Morning sessions of the second working day were organized as workshop dedicated to the
Development of learning material (WP 2.2.). The workshop included: Elaboration of the tasks of
KLABS Editorial Committee; Presentation of the document KLABS book series: Sustainable and
Resilient Built Environments – Proposal V 1.0. ; discussion about presented document; definition
of the steps towards accomplishment of the goal related to learning material development; and
the assignment of succeeding tasks among all consortium members. In the afternoon working
session, the presentation of the results of internal review of developed study programmes has
been continued. Similar to the first working day, fruitful discussions were developed after
every analysis, and conclusions about necessary improvements were derived. In conclusion, all
six Western Balkan programmes were internally reviewed. The last part of the second working day
was a briefing on forthcoming monitoring visit to the project.
On the third day of the Meeting in Mostar, the representatives of all eleven higher education
institutions included in KLABS consortium participated at monitoring sessions with the officers
from Erasmus+ office in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After fruitful and comprehensive conversation
about various project implementation issues, such as impact, quality, relevance and other,
Erasmus+ officers provided the Consortium with the feedback on current project state and gave a
number of useful suggestions for project continuation, referring to different project segments.
After monitoring, the hosts from “Džemal Bijedić” University of Mostar organized the tour
through their Faculty of Civil Engineering. The final working session of the meeting was
dedicated to the equipment purchase.
The Meeting in Mostar was concluded successfully; activities to be carried out before the next
project meeting in Aachen have been defined. The main topics of the meeting in Aachen in
December 2016 will include: development of learning material, report on the progress of new
curricula development and the preparation for accreditation, as well as the preparation of the
Intermediate report on project implementation.
The Study Visit and Workshop organized by the Università Iuav di Venezia, held in Venice from July 13 to July 15 2016, is a part of the activities within the Work Package 2 – Development of Study Programmes.
The first day (July 13th) has been entirely dedicated to the workshops related to new curricula
development. During the morning work, WB partners presented the draft version 1.2 of their new
study programmes developed between the events in Delft and Venice (30 minutes for each
presentation + comments). In the afternoon session, EU partners presented examples on didactical
activities that use innovative learning methodologies and materials, in order to suggest ideas and
introduce the following discussion on the development of educational material. Later on it was
scheduled to work on establishing the common content base of learning materials with the objective
to group proposed WB partners' programme content into the themes – subjects useful to develop
textbooks and learning materials which is corresponding to new programmes.
During the second day (July 14th), at the Serbian Pavilion, in occasion of the Architecture
Biennale 2016 “Reporting from the front”, KLABS public debate with titled MY_RES has been
organized. In the morning, eleven posters prepared by each KLABS institution and one common video
have been displayed at the Serbian Pavillion with the objective to bring out both different and
common points of view on sustainability and resilience; the preparations for the debate followed.
MY_RES debate, which started at 14:30 on the 14th of July, was focused on three main propositions:
1) ECONOMY - Sustainable solutions are likely to make our built environment more expensive and
complex in a technical sense; 2) CONTEXT - We live in a global context but in the same time have
to solve local problems; and 3) IMPLEMENTATION - Resilience has technical, environmental, social
and political aspects. It involves different scales, from the details to cities.
The day was also an occasion for a study visit to other exhibition pavilions of Architecture
Biennale 2016.
The third day (July 15th) has been dedicated to the Università Iuav di Venezia study visit. In the
morning, KLABS consortium visited the W.A.VE. ( ) – intense design workshop organised every year by Iuav
University, which brings a broad selection of architects from all over the world to Venice. About
1,800 students divided into 28 workshops worked together in a three-week period (from June 27th to
July 15th), during which they tackled one of the most important themes regarding the city, that is
the Porto Marghera. After that, KLABS participants visited Project Archives – a documentation
centre that collects archives of various origin and nature related to the subject of architecture
and, more generally, of the design
( ) and ArTec – a research
laboratory which collects and archives examples of materials, products and innovative building
techniques for researchers, students and professionals
( ). In the
afternoon, guided visit to the Iuav Central Library
( ) has been organised,
for concluding the KLABS 2nd Study Visit and Workshop with the exhibition “Carlo Scarpa After
Carlo Scarpa” and the W.A.VE. workshop finish.
The first in line of KLABS study visits and workshops dedicated to curricula development was organised at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of TU Delft .
During the 3-day event from 9-11 May 2016, KLABS representatives from the European
Union and Western Balkan partners’ institutions commonly participated at seven
working sessions, consisted of workshops, round table discussions and presentations
oriented towards drafting new postgraduate curricula Sustainable and Resilient
On the first day of the event, Western Balkan KLABS participants gave a brief overview
of institutional needs, constraints and possibilities for new curriculum development;
presentations were followed by vivid and fruitful opinion and experience exchange
among WB and EU participants, leading to the formulation of conclusions about
similarities and differences of future programmes, as well as about similarities and
differences at WB and EU scales. During the second day, the main work subject was
programme scope definition; the work was supported by common discussions, WB partners’
presentations of programme sketches, ideas, regional peculiarities, target groups of
students, target market etc., as well as the reflections from EU partners on
comparable European programmes. At the end of working programme, Western Balkan
institutional representatives presented targeted outcomes of the event, that were the
first drafts of new study programmes with determined duration, main study themes,
modules, titles and content of the courses, and ECTS credits distribution. Active
participation and significant expertise support from the hosts and other EU partners
present at the event were crucial to reach set objectives. KLABS event in Delft was
hence exceptionally effective and productive Consortium gathering.
Besides working sessions, the participants at the event got an opportunity to learn
about the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment in Delft, its operation,
organisation and educational scheme, as well as to visit various Faculty educational
premises, TU Delft campus and library, and Prêt-à-Loger house from Solar Decathlon
Europe 2014 competition. At the end of event programme, the hosts from the TU Delft –
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment organized visiting tour to Rotterdam
architectural highlights.
KLABS Joint Meeting of the Project Management Team and the Committee for Quality Assurance was organised at the Faculty of Architecture of the University in Belgrade, on 12 and 13 April 2016.
Various managerial, contractual and financial issues were discussed and
elaborated during two management related sessions of the meeting. The officer
from the Tempus Foundation – Erasmus+ Office of Serbia attended one
management session and assisted in providing the answers to different
questions regarding, most of all, financial management of unit costs. At the
session dedicated to the closure of the Work Package 1 and opening of the
Work Package 2, the detailed list of all foreseen project results was
additionally presented; in parallel, the indicators of progress for every
single result were analysed. In continuation, partners’ representatives gave
an overview of their project related achievements, with particular reference
to the results within the Work Package 1.2 which is the base for forthcoming
project work on development of new postgraduate study programmes.
In terms of KLABS quality, previously developed Quality Assurance and
Monitoring Manual was introduced at the separate meeting session. The scope
of internal and external quality related activities was reviewed.
Representatives from the host institution – the Faculty of Architecture of
the University of Belgrade, presented the organisation and content of their
existing postgraduate studies and referred to the quality standards as
prerequisites for programmes’ official recognition.
Finally, at the workshop session dedicated to project promotion actions,
KLABS Project Management Team has established the plan for forthcoming events
organisation, accenting on the possibilities for KLABS project presentation
at Venice Biennale on July 2016.
The Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ CBHE project Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments was held at the Coordinating University on 12 and 13 January 2016. The goal of the meeting was to acquaint all project partners with the most relevant issues of project implementation, to discuss and confirm the aim, objectives, workplan and results foreseen by original project application, to establish project bodies, adopt quality and dissemination plan and the project logo, as well as to introduce project subject to the national policy makers in the field of higher education.